Product Idea |

Red Coat Fortress

On a rocky Caribbean island the Red Coat Fortress, a fortification That strikes fear into pirates and other imperials alike.

This set was inspired by earlier Lego pirates forts like Eldorado Fortress. It also takes cues from real colonial forts in the Caribbean. It is comprised of two levels. The first level has some small piers and a crane, the second has a prison cell, an office for the officer, storage, and the governor's residence.

Like many others I really liked the Pirates of Barracuda Bay, it was fun to build, nice to look at, could be a shipwreck hideout or a normal ship, and had an impressive amount of minifigures. There was just one thing missing, the Imperials. So this is my attempt to make a complementary set to Pirates of Barracuda Bay that focuses on the Imperials.

This set includes
  • 2 red coat soldiers
  • 1 red coat soldier with tea
  • 1 red coat officer
  • 1 red coat governor
  • 2 blue coat soldiers
  • 1 blue coat officer
  • 1 conquistador
  • 3 pirates
  • 3 canons
  • 1 alligator
  • 1 octopus
  • 1 blue boat

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