Product Idea |

Contemporary Surgery Theatre - Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System


What you can see in this theatre set?

The robotic system contains a surgeon console, da Vinci Xi, patient cart and ventilator machine. The set also includes one console surgeon who is the chief surgeon sitting on the console to perform a complex surgery by the da Vinci Xi, one assistant surgeon who is the next one to the patient under general anaesthesia, one scrub nurse and one anaesthetist.

The computer is to review the electronic record of the patient and also for the operation record input when finished. There are medical books for particular surgery references. On the notice board showed the patient's imaging findings and some important operational information update. For back wall there is a refrigerator containing various blood products and intravenous fluid for infusion. On the floor you can see a small cart for the surgical equipment, suction bottle for patient's blood and a stand for fluid infusion into the patient. When X-ray machine is functioning, the X-ray light box will be on to warn everyone in the theatre about radiation. Finally the clock is to tell you how long the operation has already lasted. 

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