Product Idea |

The Mini Food Market


This is an updated and resubmitted idea that was expired. This is The Mini Food Market! The aim of the set is to make it easier for you to store your food(s) and play easily!! The smaller room is for storing your food. It has a few boxes for storing your food and a small computer. The bigger room is for selling your food to customer(s). It has a computer for purchases and boxes to store the food(s) you want to sell. The stand is for introducing new food to your customers, for newspapers, for selling faster and for sales and anything else you can think of! Creativity encouraged! 

The characters are:

-Market Owner (On the Left)

-Employee (On the Right)

-Customers (In the middle)

The included items are:

- 2 pretzels

- 2 bananas

- 2 red apples

- 2 green apples

- 2 croissants

- 2 steaks

- 2 fish

- 2 green cherries

- 4 purple cherries

- 4 pink cherries

- 1 mobile phone

- 2 newspapers

- 4 money bills

There is also one dustbin and 3 flower pots!

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