I am pleased to finally present to you the latest addition to my modular building lineup, the Modular Optician!
This set can be divided into two buildings, each of which can be easily deconstructed for ease of viewing.
The Optician itself has a spacious reception room with various glasses and other accessories on display, and clients may book appointments at the front desk. Behind this desk is a door leading to the back room, where the optician has placed her eye testing equipment.
The spiral staircase in the main room leads to the upper floor, the optician’s apartment. Made up of two rooms, the apartment features a small kitchen with a refrigerator and stove, and various other decorative pieces on the walls. The second room has a comfortable bed and bedside table, with some more art hung up on the walls.
The roof of the building features a poster for an upcoming blockbuster movie, and on the street level can be seen a plant, a post box, and a streetlamp.
The second building has on its ground floor a brightly furnished seafood restaurant, featuring a wine cellar in the wall, a carved wooden counter for food preparation, and a fish tank behind.
Using the exterior staircase, a minifigure will arrive at the artist’s studio and apartment. In the first room, she displays her various works, and through the door are seen various others not-quite-finished. Going up the semi-spiral staircase, one arrives in her living room, where she has a coffee table, a TV screen, a dining table, a small stove, and a food preparation table next to the kitchen sink. Through the door is her bedroom, featuring artistic decorations such as a multicoloured rug and designer shelves.
On the ground level of this building is seen a red fire hydrant and a bus stop, where minifigures may come for use of public transport.
I believe that this set, with its vibrant colours, strong display value, and reconfigurability, would make an excellent addition to the existing LEGO Modular Building line, as well as anyone’s own private collection.
If you think this would make a good set, please hit the support button. If it reaches 10,000 supporters, LEGO will consider producing it as a real set. If you would like to share your opinion on the model, please feel free to post it in the comments above.