The Steampunk Pirate Party Train, where sharks are always served fresh.
Build this little set for the Belgian/Dutch Legomasters competition. The brief was to re-imagine a train. Because I like pirates, I like steampunk and I like to party, I treid to combine them all into one build.
The locomotive is the highlight: it is intensively detailed with nice griebeling, a gold/brown/sand-green color scheme and has room for a driver and an MC on the roof. Stearing is done by 2 handguns :)
The first wagon contains the kitchen, where a chef is preparing a freschly caught shark, while trying to chase of a sneeky monkey , hunting for food.
The second wagon is the dining area. A palmtree creates some shade as 2 pirates are enjoying their meal.
The last wagon is the dancefloor, with DJ-booth and speakers.
I tried to incorporate all sorts of pirate-themed bricks in different ways: steering wheel as table, barrels and wine-glasses for the chimney, cannon-wheels as trainwheels...
I hope you like it!