Product Idea |

Classic Space Baby Command Base


400 Supporters - Original Classic Space figures parts in the model.

Even if the model is designed in the scale of the baby figures, it contains parts of Classic Space minifigures, so you can find two light bluish gray oxygen tanks at the oxygen recovery in the center, on the monument you can see a complete astronaut in dark bluish gray (only without face) and the robot next to him wears a helmet in light bluish gray, in the base of the monument is hidden as an artifact a Classic Space helmet in green matching the green astronauts from the Lego 21109 Exo Suit Set from 2014.
At this point I would also like to thank all supporters again, the project is weakening a bit right now - so if you draw some attention to the "Classic Space Baby Command Base", I would be very grateful - of course within the rules of Lego Ideas.
#400 thor4813, #399 SelflessKangaroo049, #398 FidgetyJellyfish074, #397 SirEasygoingFlower100, #396 TroskliwySzeregowyGuziec008, #395 llucky, #394 lukeisthebest, #393 Ms.MenacingLobster100, #392 Gamletante, #391 Easygoing Spoon, #390 disguy, #389 StellarSoup090, #388 MedievalWindra097, #387 WilyPythor090, #386 SJs Workshop, #385 Sig.raSkylorTenace030, #384 megamanzx9000, #383 WeicherBanthaMaster, #382 Max2020J, #381 NinjagoFan207416, #380 pezzz, #379 Kasper28823, #378 lateamcb, #377 LikeableOnion64, #376 Distvwriter, #375 Car98, #374 KnightFrillyFruit100, #373 oddsquad2001, #372 CreatriceGrumloMitica029, #371 MisterFlatulentSpyder100, #370 E.A.Faux #369 AssociateCherishedHyena100 #368 EvilRayquaza, #367 Black Flam, #366 Xolotlcraft76831, #365 Futurestillhere06, 364 JddianLego, #363 StarWars129, #362 DesignerGenuineSalad100, #361 KoalaBrick, #360 Pizza_man007, #359 pmajor, #358 TheCountOfRadioRock, #357 MacLane, #356 LegoSmurf1, #355 Estebrick, #354 PeppyTire025, #353 instructBLDR01, 352 AdmiralKeenPrawn100, #351 DesignerUsefulEmmet100
I'm afraid the Orange and Lime colored Android and the Black and White Space Baby currently have to take care of the station alone, the others are as the amount from @the invisible brick shows on a mission with their 10x10 Crauler - thanks for your support.


350 Supporters - The 2x6 Tile Monitor Graphic

In my first design, the main screen of the command centre consisted of three green 2x2 computer screens arranged next to each other, which I replaced in the final version by a 2x6 tile with an individual print, on which various references can be found that I would like to explain briefly here.
OV-103, is the identification of the Discovery Space Shuttlewhich was also released in 2021 as Lego Set 10283. OV-165, is a fictional identifier of the never finished space shuttle successor "Venture Star" X-33.
LL918, the identifier of the smallest Classic SpaceShip from Lego 918 "One Man Spaceship". LL924, the identifier of the medium sized Classic Space Ship from Lego 487 and 924 "Space Transporter". LL928, the identifier of the large Classic Space Spaceship from Lego 497 and 928 "Galaxy Explorer".
Sol-3, stands for the place shown on the screen, the 3rd planet of our solar system, I forgot the name, something with Earth! O.G.E.L., it could be the operating system of the monitor, the yellow astronaut says "Observation Global Environmental Laboratory" but maybe it is also a secret message that you just have to read backwards, we will probably never know, some riddles just remain unfounded forever? (All links lead to the English Wikipedia)
#350 Phat.Nattaphon #349 EnthusiasticGorilla070, #348 QuietestWildMartian, #347 Noodle Teacher, #346 obel-ix, #345 Spence100, #344 KnightWanderingGopher100, #343 King Brickstone, #342 CsúszósFarkasCsászár, #341 ImperialBuilder, #340 Samurai Daisho, #339 CountLuckyLundor100, #338 FairBerry054, #337 InspectorStrongFish, #336 OldestAmiableAvocado, #335 ReliablePancake098, #334 JDLego2, #333 thebestnicknar, #332 DelQuinn, #331 ImmenseWalrus09, #330 LEGO-LAS the brick bow, #329 DiseñadorTractorExitoso, #328 Axeon3, #327 Fancy_N00by, #326 ElderPleasantPants100, #325 FarmerRichGorzan100, #324 jammbiscuits, #323 EnsignAdventurousPancake100, #322 Br1t1shSold1erBob, #321 WeetYeet, #320 BricktasticStudios, #319 siuliano, #318 Brit10, #317 EnergeticSkeletron097, #316 Penguina, #315 lorys26, #314 PRAquilone, #313 DoctorPricklyVulture100, #312 CorporalCreativePiano100, #311 hschramm1, #310 GreatPizza099, #309 tc2085, #308 JDOOTSnöözy, #307 SandallBricks, #306 kingben, #305 GeneralFairHelmet100, #304 stubot, #303 ChairmanBraveAntelope100, #302 Robert KM, #301 DirectorEasygoingCloud100


300 supporters - I am very happy

Submitting a model here is a community project, alone you are nothing, the best model without the support of other Lego fans is useless. Thanks to all the nice people who support "Classic Space Baby Command Base". Since I don't have Instagram or Facebook I rely on your word of mouth, feel free to spread the word about the project by pointing people to this page and looking for supporters on social media. I am very grateful for every supporter.
#300 Mind the Brick, #299 AssistantStickySpyclops100, #298 the_mrmorris, #297 Caitlyn4, #296 22plus, #295 Traindog, #294 Benny50, #293 Erys791, #292 DecasaurusRex, #291 Freddie Gucci, #290 I_Dont_know2, #289 orakel, #288 OskiCreative, #287 KusinVaggandeHummer, #286 AssociateMeekPheasant100, #285 ColonelHealthyEglor100, #284 Nidicles, #283 VinceMalbrans, #282 YoungestImpulsiveBeetroot, #281 TrendyMug098, #280 SeigneurFlinxGéant, #279 SenseiMulticoloredVitruvius100, #278 MOCingbird, #277 Tarlinator, #276 TheDapperAxolotl, #275 FantabulousWolf085, #274 ThatBrickGuy27451, #273 Mrs.WanderingEngineer100, #272 GladLegs073, #271 ColonelSqueamishWyldstyle100, #270 EcoBricks, #269 CeesFromOutherSpace, #268 MadamInterestingSquirrel10, #267 Daredevil BRICKS, #266 DirectorVerbalDonut100, #265 Lharvey, #264 GeneralStickyBaby100, #263 A2Pvintage, #262 Anto81Brick, #261 PonderingPencil081, #260 Quintus42, #259 Lyonsblood, #258 SnapbackFreak, #257 JunkdrawerA113, #256 TelescopicShawl064, #255 BricksWithoutMortar, #254 ExpiredBread64012, #253 Benzn, #252 LooneyBricks, #251 LordLoftyTortoise100
My model contains for each of the Classic 6 (5+1) Astronauts the corresponding Space-Baby-Astronaut in the colors white, red, yellow, black, blue, green, furthermore there is hidden in the base of the Monument the Classic Space Helmet in green matching Exo-Suit (21109)


250 supporters - 1/4 on the way to the next milestone / standard prints

My model contains a total of 30 printed parts (not counting figures) of which 4 are not standard parts, I would now like to present the currently 2023 parts available in the LEGO assortment, my model benefits greatly from the retro design printed 2x2 tiles from the remake of the Galaxy Explorer (10497).
#250 Stud31066 , #249 Deadorius, #248 EasygoingCarrot087, #247 LeakyTeeth097, #246 _Ukraine_, #245 RexSleepyMango100, 244 ChiefGlowingStrainor100, #243 GoldRanger24, #242 DukeRhythmicCat100, #241 OsmanEmre, #240 CaptainVocalBoar100, #239 PonderingPeach, #238 CousinFidgetyArms100, #237 RitterMajestätischerPilz, #236 BrigadierKritischeBoot, #235 NicestMaskedCaterpillar, #234 BiggestSneakyLion, #233 FidgetyCabbage065, #232 BH23, #231 DuchessDependableCrawley100, #230 InspecteurZonnigeLaval, #229 attackfarm, #228 SpaceWalker, #227 awesomeperson12, #226 JuniorPositiveBench100, #225 TonyBCan, #224 Tapapius, #223 NurseBigheartedPlate100, #222 SparklingFork050, #221 NinBartkox, #220 peter_mich, #219 BabyYodaOnTheBeach, #218 MenigPrægtigtTørklæde #217 GleefulWrayth027, #216 PrinceSupersonicSpyclops, #215 Mr Hotdog, #214 g33ky_monk3y, #213 WhataWookie, #212 FutureNASAEngineer, #211 ComplexAvocado092, #210 ElegantHose090, #209 VibrantWeasel071, #208 Stephen6978, #207 StellarEmu091, #206 CROWTTARDIS, #205 LieutenantKraitSportif, #204 MissStickyBucket, #203 Givani37, #202 WonderfulArcturus018, #201 SwiftGiraffe093


200 supporters - 20% on the way to 1K are done

Thanks to all the supporters who made this possible, I am absolutely overwhelmed. Without you it wouldn't be possible, feel free to say in the comments what you like or don't like, any factual criticism of the design is welcome. I will try to answer them as best as possible.

#200 TheCoolDude12, #199 StrictestLikeableSpyclops, #198 DirectorExcitedMungus100, #197 TomYumm, #196 Littelstinker, #195 MessyComputer088, #194 Umbra-Manis, #193 ProfessorSparklingRawzom100, #192 maybemaybemaybe, #191 chewron99, #190 KamishiniNoYari, #189 herooftimex3ds, #188 steve.c8, #187 Legomastertb, #186 MegtronWasHere, #185 The Lego King1, #184 DuchessFantasticBench, #183 InspectorSpontaneousCar100, #182 ScoutElectrifyingScolder100, #181 Astridkw, #180 Max and Daddies Videos, #179 Negork, #178 CousinArcturusPsychique, #177 Mr.Bear685005, #176 Mez86, #175 WizardyBubble097, #174 SociableScarecrow055, #173 ConsiderateBus084, #172 FairMug050, #171 Sir bloxington, #170 DirektorMutigerGepard, #169 fastar_bricks, #168 CommanderWanderingDonut, #167 daishi1, #166 LadyStylishEglor100, #165 PleasantDragon090, #164 CorporalBarmyMottrot100, #163 Legomaster510, #162 Enchantedbrick, #161 InspektörHungrigHund, #160 Moonlight2021, #159 Loony da crazy, #158 Natybumpo, #157 SethyDaWeird, #156 PizzaTimeBricks, 155 WoollyRat078, #154 MicahBuilds, #153 eveningdreamer, #152 DramaticPasta090, #151 平易近人的蝙蝠前輩 (the sympathetic bat seniors)


150 supporters - It's time for some insider information

Something that I have rather unconsciously than intentionally concealed is the number of parts of the model, which of course plays a role when a LEGO set is released.
In total, the model includes 742 parts. The base 540 parts, the rover 104 parts, the buggy 20 parts, the monument (with minifigure on pedestal) 50 parts and the figures (2 robots & 6 babies): 28 parts.

#150 Allthenames , #149 MateProudEmmet100, #148 brickbuilder3610311, #147 CutestHardworkingLeek, #146 thebuildingblock, #145 GentleThing063, #144 SörBereketliKlavye, #143 MontyMatte, #142 PatAndToys, #141 ViscountCrawlingKoala100, #140 Adrastos42,#139 WizardDependableLeek, #138 BaffledFace046, #137 FeistyStealthor081, #136 LMN14, #135 CuteOwl071, #134 Schro627, #133 FabulousWindra062 , #132 BravestEnergeticWalnut, #131 LieutenantArtisticLemon100, #130 InspektorinKraftvollesPferd , #129 WalkingFrog098, #128 Quent12b0 , #127 FirstFierySheep, #126 PurpleFish247, #125 FamousAvocado082, #124 Amonost, #123 Cool Lego Guy, #122 Cableguy55, #121 RefinedToothpaste077, #120 Math Wizard, #119 Leego9, #118 Athiem, #117 redape, #116 rla1160, #115 ReiIcebiteConfiante, #114 ChefGallantNostril10063704, #113 ELDASPO, #112 FlexibleZane089, #111 NosyTomato089, #110 Noahlegoboi14, #109 MasterFearsomeHippo100, #108 AdenLikesWaffles, #107 SecondHealthyDonkey, #106 DaintyBacon094, #105 ChairmanRhythmicEmmet100, #104 If You Build It, #103 Brickking37799, #102 PresidentFrillyFlag100, #101 RedWolfwere


100 supporters – The first milestone

The first 100 supporters are somehow something special, I would like to pay tribute to you here, thank you very much - so many great ideas don't make it past the first 60 days. Thank you very much. You are my heroes.
#100 BubblyPotato075, #099 StargateTravellerSG-3, #098 Monsieur_Gentleman, #097 BrickMan1300, #096 LoudestSpeedyMushroom, #095 BluePhoenixRose, #094 MechanicalSkyra021, #093 Squid20, #092 FletcherJohn0102, #091 AirmanJumpyDonut100, #090 Starred, #089 ReservedHamster099, #088 NicestEnergeticBuilder, #087 LordSimGryphonheart, #086 Moonlitrain, #085 QueenThoughtfulBottle, #084 SenseiFlyingOstrich100, #083 TidyLasha016, #082 BoomerangBee, #081 QueenPerplexedSleven100, #080 Captain Eduard A Paven 67, #079 lordofthedreams, #078 suzybanana, #077 the invisible brick, #076 Brickmaster84, #075 aquazone4life, #74 InProduction #073 Castor-Troy, #072 Ashleyleedarling, #071 BrigadierPeculiarEggplant100, #070 lordhamington21, #069 HilariousCactus025, #068 LotR_Fan1, #067 Franek_Piotr, #066 Max47, #065 Kreamirjam, #064 Baron von Barron, #063 grad, #062 mookish, #061 jesse220, #060 mijuu6, #059 HealthyPlum090, #058 therollingcow, #057 Big bob3, #056 Twinkling bad cop 46, #055 TheBlackMarshmallow, #054 Max Brich, #053 Operacion Saturno, #052 Vandenberg, #051 JamesTurk47, #050 FiftyFootRobot, #049 AdmiralProlificBudgie100, #048 Minibrick1232, #047 Grogroot, #046 SophieScout12, #045 VersatileGorilla098, #044 gabal04, #043 Stormy Steinmann, #042 CommanderHelpfulKai100, #041 Crekari, #040 AnotherID, #039 AirmanGrandOstrich100, #038 rjperko4, #037 M.Jibril, #036 PrincessStrictBluebell100, #035 UsefulShark092, #034 BaguetteCatalitica6838, #033 Zero Helix, #032 SupersonicWig057, #031 tsiliegirl, #030 CommanderHardheadedShed100, #029 Scorching_PIE, #028 Traincity, #027 Build_With_Bricks, #026 Jelleeefish, #025 Dr.Brick, #024 IdeaCrafter, #023 FrankCicierega, #022 The Wizard of Oz, #021 SpikeWitbricky, #020 Davig, #019 Pret, #018 BrickBuilder-09, #017 mrmapcase, #016 ubertoys, #015 LD Brickmaster, #014 Captain_Bombadill, #013 Julientheclownofthebrick, #012 Creative Brickster, #011 UltraPlethora, #010 SirMcBrick, #009 SilentChocolate093, #008 G. J. STUDIOS, #007 ValiantDrillex088, #006 StellarSword071, #005 BrikBrak, #004 ChillyOrange081, #003 Mysonslegos13, #002Piece by Piece, (#001 Monsieur Greenhorn )


50 supporters in 24 hours - Thank you all very much

I received an interesting question in the comments from @ChillyOrange081 which I would like to answer briefly - thank you for that.
As I built the model from real bricks not all parts were available in the colours I needed so I had to adjust some colours after photographing the model, this didn't work as well as I had hoped but the result is satisfactory so you get an idea of what I was thinking.
The most popular example is the baby astronauts, which are currently only available in blue, so I had to recolour them in yellow, red, white, black and green. As well as the robots (androids) which were actually red but had to become orange and lime to avoid a colour overlap with the baby astronauts.
So there are only original Lego parts on the photos which were only coloured differently afterwards. Thank you for your interest and support.

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