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Latina Town Hall


Latina is a city near my town in the Lazio region, in central Italy.

It's a relatively young city because its foundation in 1932. This style of architecture is called " Rationalist" and is based on principles of reasoning, with the invention of new materials such as reinforced concrete, the way of building changes completely. Here is the novelty:
urban Plans, plans to reorder the cities, to coordinate public interventions.
In short, low-cost but acceptable housing.

This architecture-scale design, represents the main facadeof the Latina's town hall, I tried to keep as close as possible to the real version, inserting the various details that jump to the eye, such as the out-of-tower tower over the palace, the white contours of the 1st floor windows (Inspired by the cafe corner windows), the entrance door with the fence, the other smaller windows on the ground floor built using the SNOT technique.


I hope you enjoy my creation.

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