Product Idea
The Famous Racing Sausages - Milwaukee Brewers
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Interview with Wisconsin Public Radio
I had the opportunity to speak with Kate Archer Kent of Wisconsin Public Radio about the Lego Racing Sausages! Click this link to go to the episode and listen.
Made it into the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Again
An updated story about the Lego Famous Racing Sausages and a Lego Milwaukee Art Museum model. Watch the reporter build Bratwurst in a timelapse video!
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Lego Racing Sausages Designer Re-Creates Milwaukee Art Museum, You Can Build It Too!
Made it on the Milwaukee Fox6 WakeUp Show!
I had the opportunity to return to the Milwaukee Fox6 WakeUp show to discuss the ongoing campaign to get Lego to make a set for the Milwaukee Brewers Famous Racing Sausages set. I've actually been able to make two of them in the real world: Bratwurst and Italian Sausage. I sent one to the WakeUp show and they were building him on air. Fun!
Here is a link to the segment - Racing Sausages Creator Pushes for Official Set
New Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Article - Building Bratwurst
I’m so excited about the prospect of a real Lego set of the Racing Sausages that I couldn’t wait so I relooked at the design to see if any of them could be built today. Unfortunately most use bricks in colors that don’t exist or bricks with patterns that I designed (e.g., pinstriping on Hot Dog, Chorizo, and Bernie). However I noticed that Bratwurst was close so with a few changes I came up with a design where all the bricks in the correct colors exist in the real world! Excited I bought the bricks and built him. He now sits proudly on a shelf in my office.
A nice bonus to this is the Milwaukee paper published a follow up story about my efforts.
We made it on the Milwaukee Spectrum News 1!
The response to the Famous Racing Sausages idea in Milwaukee continues to grow! Spectrum Cable in Milwaukee reached out to me for an interview which I happily did yesterday. Watch the segment using the link below.
The response to the Famous Racing Sausages idea in Milwaukee continues to grow! The local CBS affiliate in Milwaukee reached out to me for an interview which I happily did yesterday. Watch the segment using the link below.
Milwaukee Podcast - Matenaer On Air - Guest Interview
More love from fans in the Milwaukee area for my Famous Racing Sausages Lego Idea. I was a guest on the Matenaer On Air podcast show today. Check out the link to listen to the interview (~12 minutes).
We made it onto the Milwaukee Fox6 WakeUp show!
The response to the Famous Racing Sausages idea has been getting crazy! The local Fox affiliate in Milwaukee reached out to me for an interview which I happily did this morning. Watch the segment using the following link - Milwaukee Fox6 - Racing Sausages Lego Set
CLARIFICATION: I rewatched the segment and I fear that the way I described a couple Lego models I showed on the segment (Gritty, Milwaukee Art Museum) may be misconstrued. I said I built them, but I think people will assume I was saying I 'designed' them. I did not design them. I found pictures of them both on the internet and I reverse-engineered them in Studio so I could build them IRL. Gritty I found on a Philadelphia Reddit thread and in a brief video posted to FB. The Milwaukee Art Museum was actually a former Lego Ideas submission that reached 10K but Lego decided not to build it. I thought it was an amazing model having lived in Milwaukee. I built it to the scale of the designer, but discovered based on my reverse-engineered design that the front wings were too heavy and sagged. I then redesigned it to be half size which works perfectly.
We made it into the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel!
A reporter from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reached out wanting to do an article on my Lego Ideas submission. What a thrill seeing my idea in print! Hopefully this rallies all Brewers fans and Milwaukee residents to support making these guys into a real Lego set!
Read the article below and share with your family and friends!
Thanks to the first 100 people who voted for the Famous Racing Sausages! I hope the momentum continues to reach the coveted 10K! I've reached out to the Brewers and have made initial contact. They love the idea and are looking into how they can help! I'm very excited to say the least.
One of the comments I received was that these models could be a base for other sets. Which got me thinking and I created a model for Bernie Brewer, the mascot for the Milwaukee Brewers! Here he is in all his glory.
Wouldn't it be great to see a line of Lego Sports Mascots!!!