Product Idea |

Train Engine Shed With Railway Turntable


For many years, a steam locomotive with tender and passenger car has been forgotten somewhere in the wild. Now, it has been rediscovered and will be used again – as a museum train. But before, it has to be repaired as it suffered a lot. Two railway officials are working hard in the train engine shed on a hill to finish everything in time. A passenger and a train driver can hardly wait until they finally will be able to see the moving train.

Three gears allow you to distribute the wagons on all the tracks in the shed. You can turn the gear next to the turntable to turn it. Such that the tracks don’t block each other, you need to lift the track a bit by turning one gear on the turntable’s house and then, by turning the other one preventing the track from falling down again (by simply blocking the mechanism). One fixed and three movable workbenches as well as a little crane facilitate the repair, which can be done both next to and under the train. Just a little bit of time and you can drive the renewed steam train!
I’ve built the train engine shed with 2976 parts and 4 minifigures (so 2992 parts in total). All parts are existing in the used colours. The model measures 60 x 55 x 30 studs and weighs 4114 g.

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