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Tally Hall: Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum 20th Anniversary

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Happy valentines day

Hope u got ur special someone's!

It's good two wuv.

And I'm totally happy for everyone who has a hand to hold today, and not jealous in the slightest.

Jokes aside, happy valentines day folk! I'll now go down a box of chocolates.


Thank you everyone!

You might be wondering why I'm making another update to this post even though nothing really exciting has happened yet. But in reality, special stuff has happened.

And that's you guys, and the support and excitement you giys have for my project.
Below is a link to a Playlist I've made featuring just the stuff on youtube that people have made in regards to my idea:

We've gotten the attention of the band members, the record producer, some really big tally hall channels like letter, tallyball, and even hidden in the sand themselves! We've been all over Twitter, Pinterest, youtube, reddit, the tally hall fandom wiki, Instagram, Facebook, even Tumblr! (Though oddly not tiktok) it's amazing! I never thought something of mine would gain such traction!

I honestly want to cry. Outside of the internet, I've always been the in-the-background quiet nerd who likes some of the weirdest animals and references the most obscure stuff and whatnot. And having this community of people I haven't really gotten to know go out of their way and talk about my stuff with genuine excitement and interest means alot.

I love each and every one of you guys, and I hope we can get this to happen!

"Bigger is not better, what's better is what's better." ~Marvin Yagoda


Whoooaaa, we're half way there! WHOOOAAA, Lemon and a Pear!

Please tell me you guys understand that reference in the title :,)

Anyway. Thank you guys so much for 5,000 supporters!

I also have a deal for you guys:

I receive 10,000 supporters, you receive instructions for this smaller tally hall MOC as a celebration so you can build it yourself!

Just something nice and simple.

Other news, lego themselves have alos made a Pinterest post about this! So that's a win!

Sadly it's no longer up, but someone did save it so here's a link:

So thanks for bringing attention to it lego!

That's it for today! Thanks for 5k again! I feel we'll make it to 10k in no time!


Happy birthday Ross! (And more important people who saw this)

Happy 40th birthday to scientist, DJ, and former drummer from Tally Hall, Ross Federman! We love you man!

So let's all wish our favorite drummer a very happy birthday!

In other news, we got the attention of 2 more people, first is very good friend of Tally Hall Matthew Altruda of TreeTownSound!

(Please not that that is not the actual Joe hawley)

And best for last, Needlejuice Records (the people currently responsible for pretty much a majority of Tally Hall's merchandise) retweeted Rob's tweet! So I'd take that as them being on board!

Keep up the good work guys! And thanks for all the support so far!


Day 3: 2.5k, 2 more band members, and more community support!

We are at 2.5k supporters! Tysm!

Turns out, 2 more members probably saw it, Joe Hawley and Andrew Horowitz!!!

Not 100% sure if that's really Joe, but the account seems legit.

And also, we got 3 people on youtube making stuff about this as well!

So thanks to...
TallyBall for bringing some awareness to it:

Tallyhallfan2014 for making my day with his charming review:

And Maniac4Bricks_More for making a funny parody of one of tally halls songs, the bidding (appropriately lego themed):

Edit: turns out that Joe hawley account is fake. Doesn't make Andrew's tweet any less cool.


1000 supporters! You guys are amazing!!!

I once again return from school, and see we've broken yet another milestone.

This is unbelievable! It's only been about a day!

Anyway, I've been thinking. If we get this to 10,000 supporters, I'll do something:

I will build a different tally hall related model that you can actually build, and release instructions for it. What it is? You'll have to see. But remember, I'll do it at 10,000 to celebrate. It won't be as big as this model, but it will be good. Promise.

Once again, I can't thank everyone who has already supported enough, as well as those who have been sharing my idea all over social media. It warms my heart to see everyone with the same passion as me and care enough to go out their way and share this with other people. I love you guys!

Thanks for supporting!



Ok, so I see it gets approved, I post it on discord and reddit, go to school, and so much has happened.

Not only did we obliterate the first milestone giving us a whole year to reach 10,000 supporters, but ROB CANTOR HIMSELF TWEETED ABOUT IT?!!



But anyway, thanks for all the support so far, I feel we're gonna make it to 10,000 in no time!

P.S: someone with a Twitter account tell Rob that I said thanks and I'm honored for him to have liked it

More To Do


Build for International Women’s Day


Get Fresh for Feb

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