Product Idea |

LEGO CITY: Front Loader Garbage Truck



Front loaders in action!

The CiTY Front Loader Garbage truck was designed to function just like the real thing!

Use your hand to turn the wheel to lower the front forks, connect to the bin, open the hopper lid, and lift and dump the garbage into the hopper!


CiTY Front Loader Garbage Truck is still gathering support, but more is needed!

Still looking for support for the CiTY Front Load Garbage Truck!

Thank you to all who have already supported my project! 

Know any parents with kids who like the LEGO CiTY theme? Pass the word along to get their votes!



Great week!

Staff Picks really helped my little project out!

Doubled the support in 4 days, wow!

Thanks all for your support! 


CiTY FL Garbage Truck - Staff Pick! Awesome!

Wow! Staff Pick!

Thanks everyone for your support!


One week, 136 votes!

What an amazing and humbling experience for my second model!

My wife is getting sick of me checking the project status on my phone every 15 minutes!

Thank you to all supporters; the LEGO CiTY Front Loader Garbage Truck is averaging almost 20 votes per day!

Please tell your friends and spread the word; I hope that we can get a non-pop culture Ideas project to the review stage!


Recycling theme - Green.

Alt colour - green truck / blue bin.



New dumpster bin and garbage.

Dumpster in an alternate colour, and some garbage!


New render.


An amazing first 24 hours!

Thank you everyone for your support!

52 supporters in 24 hours... WOW!

Share with your friends! 


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