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The 19th-Century Bandit's Den

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Have you ever imagined what an 18th/19th century bandit's den might have looked like, with its typical Victorian architecture?
I've tried to imagine it for you in the form of a modular building :)
"The story takes place in the 19th century. Gambling is forbidden, so some people decide to set up clandestine gambling halls, attracting the local bandits.
And inevitably, with such a bad place to participate, it often attracts thieves plotting a new machiavellian scheme, but also journalists and detectives ready to shed light on this place :)"
What you'll find:
The building consists of 3 parts:

  • Ground floor
  1. The entrance to the bandit's lair, disguised as a tailor's workshop. A hidden entrance behind a cupboard gives the bandits access to an elevator to reach the 1st floor. The tailor in charge keeps a close eye on things, and stays in touch with his colleagues via his radio :) He looks very disreputable and might have some information to trade for a quick buck!
Characters : 1 Tailor and all the characters you want
  • 1st floor
  1. A gaming room for underground gamblers. Obviously, the boss is there to watch over the money, and the dealer is there to make sure people don't extort too much money from his boss. What a cheat! Obviously the reporter is very interested in what's going on..
  2. An elevator down to the first floor and a staircase up to the 2nd floor.
  3. The boss's office where the money is stored and for tough talk 
Characters : Boss, cards dealer, 1 gentleman (the white one) , 1 reporter and any character you want

  • 2nd floor
  1. Apparently, a thief has set up quarters here with his sidekick to prepare for his next misdeed. But what could it be? A bank robbery? don't ask him, he won't tell us :). In any case, with a training safe, calculations on the ground, a bank plan and tools, it's certain they're not preparing to visit :)
Characters : Heist mastermind & prisoner
Bonus: Removable roof
  • Outside
  1. 1 Gentleman and a lady who have come to have a suit tailored or perhaps to play cards, who knows...The doorman looks terrified as the gentleman climbs the stairs. Who is he ?
  2. 2 Painters repainting the rear of the building that's starting to look a bit old. Who knows, maybe they're just pretending and are here to make sure no one too curious comes near.
  3. 1 Detective looking for evidence. He's obviously put his finger on a banknote. Where could it have come from? Has someone lost it? Is it stolen? We may never know. In any case, so close to this old building it's quite a coincidence!
  4. A bench, ads/newspapers, a 19th-century-style lamp post
Characters : 1 gentleman, 1 damsel, 1 doorman, 2 painters, 1 detective
The rear of the building has another, more discreet entrance via a small staircase !!
Final word :
I hope you enjoy this story and the building.
The whole thing took me about 350 hours.
The characters (13 in total) are exclusive and have all been customized by myself, right down to the face for some of them. The same goes for the stickers in the set (art, pictures, posters, newspapers, etc.).
I think the building's history and architecture make it a perfect fit for any city :)

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