Product Idea |

A Gift of IDEAS

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of  LEGO Ideas, I designed the IDEAS packaging box to contain 8 bricks in 1x1 size. It's a great experience for exploring each 1x1 brick with a little scene of the design process from 1 to 8:
  1. Inspiration: Looking for inspiration images from books
  2. Design: Start to sketch and draw the model from the idea
  3. Modeling: Pick the bricks and build the physical model
  4. Photography: Take good photos for the model
  5. Entry: Submit the ideas  
  6. Review + Assembly Line: Designers and experts review to decide on the final model and product manufacturing 
  7. Signing Event: Meet the Fan designer to get the signature
  8. Showcase: Model display and shopping
My favorite part of the model is the box's features that carry the 8 bricks and exchange the location with each other. We can imagine that each 1x1 brick is like a cake and able to add a candle on the top. Overall, the model is very cool and clean using elements and colors such as white and yellow. I believe that it would be a great icon and powerful for IDEAS. 
Happy birthday to LEGO IDEAS!

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