Product Idea |



Update 1: Walk way and light rigs

Hello supporters,

Firstly thank you for all of the support already, but whilst you have been supporting my project i have been busy making improvements.

so here is the first one.

No show is a good show with out its lights and effects, so i have been busy adding light rigs to the building, i have added a walkway just below the roof, for the technical staff to walk on to rig and access lights.

The light rigs have been attached to the walkway via chains, and are all connected together using cables for power. 

Each rig can hold many lights, screens, projectors, speakers, everything that you may need for a great show.

The walk way has its own lights on it, so when the tech staff are walking along it they can see.

Please keep the support coming, there's still along way to go, but i shall continue to make improvements

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