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Hello enthusiasts of the brick !

I bring to you today my newest creation, this is a model i have been working on for years, i have made many plans and played with many different models, but i finally found one that works, I myself, love theatres and for me this was a very exciting project and one i really wanted to complete. i am a front of house and backstage staff member at my local theatre, so i used the advantages of knowing every tiny detail to put into the model to make it look extremely realistic. 

This auditorium has many features like:

  • A glass facure
  • A box office
  • A merchandice shop
  • A coffee shop
  • A bottle bar
  • A cellar
  • Stairways
  • Labeled fire exits
  • A Lighting box with a lighting desk
  • 2 x Follow spots
  • 262 x Seats with 182 in the circle and 80 in the stalls
  • A sound desk at the back of the stalls
  • A lighting rig with a mixture of lights on
  • A large stage with an entrance on either side
  • 2 x moving head lights, One on either side of the stage
  • A tech store filled with :
  1. chains
  2. tools
  3. Light gels
  4. Broken lights
  5. Hard hats
  • A light store, filled with more lights
  • 2 x Changing rooms, one on either side of the stage, each one includes:
  1. Mirrors
  2. Table
  3. Chairs
  4. Shower
  5. Toilet
  6. Basin
  • At the back of the stage their is a loading dock with roller shutters on the outside and on the stage, these can be open to let touring lorries back streight on to the stage to unload lights and set.

As you can see their is lots of features in this set and it is a big set, but it is amazing, it is a great display piece but also extremely playable. Please support this set as it would be my dream to see it become reality after so much hard work.

Thank you for your support, 

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