Product Idea |

Traditional German Cottage


7777 supporters!!! Thank you!!!

Just a little over 2000 to go! Thanks to everyone for the AMAZING support! Per request, I have built a boy and girl German Minifigure which as it turns out was a bit difficult, as Lego does not have many German-style prints on the clothing. Either way, I hope you like them! 


Lets do this!! Thanks for all the supports!!

Hello, everyone! This build is continuing to get lots of supports (and some comments) each day and I am eternally grateful for each and every one! Thank you so much! Here is a small outhouse build I recently made, because due to some research I found that lots of old german cottages had outhouses. Plus, the interior of my build does not include a bathroom, so I felt the need to make one so the minifigures could relieve themselves 😂

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