Product Idea |

The Beach Boys Surfin Safari Album Cover Truck


Surfin Safari Model Revamped and Polished

The updates are as follows:

  1. Added a tan base to represent the beach
  2. A black minifigure stand with each Beach Boy's initials under them in addition to the album name Surfin Safari and the year it was released
  3. Palm trees on top of the truck to better resemble the album cover
  4. Changed the shade of blue on the front of the truck
  5. The truck is now two studs longer front to back
  6. Wheels are bigger and were repositioned to be more accurate
  7. Each Beach Boy was made more distinct
  8. The mudguards were redesigned

*Although David Marks replaced Al Jardine while he attended dental school int his album cover, Jardine is more commonly associated with The Beach Boys, and its why he is included in the model and not Marks.

I believe these changes have created a polished model that many will find appealing.  Please support this project and feel free to share with family and friends to honor the legacy of one of the most influential bands in music history. Surfs Up!

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