Product Idea |


*More pictures here: -predetor drone
* and here: -bush plane

Model planes for plane collectors!

(not much to say about it but this would be perfect for a plane lover!)

if this was made into a set the series would be called *Planes* or some other weird or lame name i come up with.

Since I had no time to wright this I made it short for the people who just hate reading long paragraphs :P

deatail like the wings and landing gear.


Other planes for the series (predetor unmanned drone)

a better veiw for the stand and other small deatails.

Support history:

????. ??. ??. - 5000 Supporters

????????. - 2000 Supporters

???????? - 1000 Supporters

????????. - 500 Supporters

????????. - 200 Supporters

4/25/2012 - 0 Supporter

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