Product Idea |

Brick Town Police Station


4000 votes, almost halfway there!

Thank you very much indeed to everyone who has supported Brick Town Police Station and helped it to pass 4000 votes. I really am very grateful and I appreciate every single vote.

The next step is the halfway stage of 5000 votes. Please feel free to share the project on social media and amongst anyone you know who likes LEGO. With your help, hopefully it won't be long before Brick Town Police Station reaches 5000.

Thanks again.


Thank you very much for 1000 votes!!!



Hi everyone

Since posting Brick Town Police Station on LEGO Ideas, one of the features people seem to like the most is the little mini fig typewriter featured in the Chief Policeman's office.

So I thought I would share with you how it is built. It's a very simple build indeed and only requires 9 bricks.

A big thanks to everyone who has supported this project during its first week. It seems to averaging around 100 votes per day so I'm very grateful to everyone who has taken the time to vote so far.

I'd be massively grateful if you could please help me by sharing the project on social media and with anyone you know who likes LEGO. 

Thanks very much :)

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