Product Idea |

Parrot Castle Modular


Size Comparison

Thanks everyone for supporting! Here is a size comparison to the King's Castle set from the 2014 Lego Castle Series:

Thanks! Please check out my other projects!


Interior Remodeling

This is an update where the interior of the farmer's house and the Blacksmith Shop are redone. I hope you enjoy! Please support, comment, follow, promote, and Brick On! If you are interested, please be watching out for Beorn's House, Amon Hen, Giant Hobbiton Party Display, Rivendell(White Council, Last Homely House, and Feast with Dwarves only!), and last of all I will have a Front Gate of Erebor. All of the projects will be done by me in the next 2-3 months! Thanks everyone for the support!


Enemy Attack!

Here is the castle when it is getting attacked by another castle's army. And if you are interested, then be watching out for a Beorn's House, Small White Council, Last homely House, and the feast where the council of Elrond would be all in one set from Rivendell, Amon Hen display scene, and a Giant Hobbiton Party Display.

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