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Your project has expired.

We're really sorry to share that your LEGO® Ideas project didn't reach its supporter milestone before running out of time. Here at LEGO Ideas, we know you had high hopes for your project and put a lot of effort into it, and we understand this can be disappointing. If you still care a lot about this particular project, you're always welcome to submit it again and start over.

We hope you continue submitting projects and hope you have better success next time!

Congratulations on 100 supporters! You've earned an extra 365 days.

You've passed the first milestone and reached 100 supporters within the first 60 days. As a reward, here's a boost of one year (365 days) to reach 1,000 supporters. Best of luck as you continue to rally support for your project.

Oh no! Your project was not approved.

We reviewed your project submission and unfortunately it does not fit the LEGO® Ideas mold.

Your project refers to a brand or licensed property where there is a known licensing conflict (for example, another company may already have licensing rights to this brand that prevent us from considering it). Therefore we won’t accept project submissions based on this brand or licensed property. For details please see this section of our Project Guidelines and House Rules.

While we understand this is disappointing, we hope you still share your creation with the world on a photo sharing site like Flickr.

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