Product Idea |

Castle of Lord Afol and the Black Knights


Proof of concept

Hi again!

While many Castle Fans were busy gathering support for the castle of Lord Afol, one of us went a few steps further and actually built this set with real bricks! As some brick colors are either not available or hard to access, there are some alterations compared to the original project. Some sections also received small improvements, either strenghtening the structure or simplifying the build and making it more elegant. Anyway, in all the project proved to be buildable and playable as expected.

Great thanks to @JOSHPUFFPUFF1 for this amazing work that included not only reverse engineering the design, but also gathering all necessary bricks and arranging a photo session!



Lord Afol is getting ready for Christmas!

A welcome break from the harsh medieval life!


Beyond the Brick is showing the Castle of Lord Afol!

If you are interested in some of my thoughts behind this project, please see the interview I gave to Joshua Hanlon of Beyond the Brick channel: 

Sorry for my voice but don't worry, it's not THE VIRUS.


Halloween in the Castle of Lord Afol

Ever wondered why the tower's roof looks just like a witch's hat? Because that's what it really is - at least on this special night!

See yourselves:


Who will rule the Legoland?

The Black Falcons won't step back! Is the fortress strong enough to hold them?



Lord Afol lives up to his name!

Lord Afol has just brought home his brand new Lego Castle:





Winter in Lord Afol's Castle

A month has passed since Castle of Lord Afol and the Black Knights appeared in Lego Ideas. With almost 3,000 supporters already, the project is on the right path to achieve 10,000 votes in time.

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who supported, commented or shared this project with their friends!

To celebrate this fantastic support, I'd like to present to You these pictures of Lord Afol's Castle in winter landscape. As there's hot summer on the Northern Hemisphere, it's nice to at least look at something cold:

I hope You enjoy it!

Note: I do not intend to make changes to the original entry. These images are just to illustrate my thank you message!

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