Product Idea |

LEGO Animal Crossing


Long Time No See!

Hey guys, Spectro here.

So apparently, I didn't update that my old PC died on me without me knowing.  Which is bad because the Digital File for the Model is on there.  Sadly there won't be any more revisions or updates until I can extract those files from the hard drive.

Remember to keep telling your friends and family to support me!  I'm Spectrobits!  Respect the emblem!  And be ready for anything!


LOL a Mistake

I realize now that I didn't properly color (stripe) my roof.  Since I'm on a short break from designing, I'll fix it afterward, which shouldn't be too long.

Since I've posted this project I've have over 500 views and over 25 supporters.  I just want to take the time to thank everyone again.  This wouldn't be here without you.  Remember to leave your ideas in the comments tab above and tell your friends and family to support me.

I'm Spectrobits!  Respect the Emblem!  And be Ready for Anything!




WHOA! 25 + Supporters!

25 Supporters?  WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!  High regards to the community out there.  Thank you all so much.  Remember that it is you who gets this project to become a reality so tell your friends and invite people from all walks of social media!

As promised, I would finish Benedict's house before August. But what I didn't tell you is that I also finished the lake and the river extension with the brick bridge!  Here, take a look:

I'm trying to figure out what to do next, so if you have a suggestion, leave a comment in the comments tab above and I'll try to put it in!

I'm Spectrobits!  Respect the Emblem!  And be Ready for Anything!


Benedict's House: Done for Today!

Here's how much work I've done on Benedict's House:

There's also furniture: a yellow cone, I-Beams, a hospital bed, and a yellow sign.


Benedict's House: Process

I had to use many images online to try and recreate Benedict's house.  This picture shows the inside of the house and the beginning of the special peg wall I use to allow wall items to be held.

Of course, the house here may look a little different than in the games, but it's still fairly realistic.  This wallpaper is from Animal Crossing City Folk (Wii) and the exterior wall is from Animal Crossing New Leaf (3DS).


More wait times

Sorry I'm taking so long.  Between training my Pokemon and caring for my real Animal Crossing town it's been hard to keep updating.  I'll make sure it gets done before August is over!


Please wait...

I'm trying really hard to get everything right on the next part of the project, so please sit still.

In the mean time, please tell your friends to support me, too!  Thanks!


Ten Supporters!

I woke up and saw that I had ten supporters!  Thank you so much!  As promised, I'll be building on the previous set to create some new features of this world!  I'm adding a lake, a bridge, Benedict's house, and something else that I don't know yet.

What do you guys want to see in the set?  Please tell me in the comments tab above!  I'd really appreciate it because this set isn't just for me, it's for everyone to enjoy!


Thank you guys!

Thank you guys so much for your support so far!  I never thought I would get this far!

When I hit ten supporters, you can look forward to a new idea that I'll add onto the set!

I'm Spectrobits!  Respect the emblem!  And be ready for anything!


Catching Bugs

Among the tools provided in the set is the net.  It can be held and played with or used in a display.

I included many bugs, including the diving beetle, ladybug, common butterfly, ant, scorpion, and tarantula (the last two being arachnids but are classified as bugs in the games).  Most insects can be held and "shown off".

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