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Mixels: A Mixful Journey

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This is not meant to be a re-release of past Mixels sets, nor is it designed to be a continuation of past Mixels sets. These are all brand new and designed by me.


Meet the awesome new tribes!

The comfortable Clothians!

An extraterrestrial tribe within the Clothian Caverns of Nightlight Moon, these Mixels always have some sort of clothing—a truly strange thing for Mixels to have! While many have a piece of clothing they always have, a number of Clothians are literal clothes! This is due to a strange crystal known as a cubit shard.

The rough-edged Limbsters!

A tribe that inhabits the previously and mysteriously hidden Limbster Island. Within the oceanside of Mixel Land, these tropical Mixels have taken island gigantism to a whole new level! These fellas have large limbs of many shapes and sizes, all often used for beating up those pesky Nixels!

The sports-loving Xtreme Spahtz!

The Xtreme Spahtz love sports! And they’re very extreme with them! These Mixopolis-dwelling Mixels hold a super bowl event, in their literal super bowl of the Spahtz Stadium! All sorts of mixed-up sports occur in a fight for the Spoon Trophy.

Make sure to watch out for those Nixels! There are 4 dastardly fiends, including Major Nixel himself!


About myself I suppose

As I’ve made many Mixel tribes, it’s always been a hope for me to put it out on LEGO Ideas for a shot at being a set. I love creating tribes and have especially had fun with these fellows, looking at you Limbsters!

Regardlessly, these fellas have a lot of passion and character put into em, so please consider pledging your support!

Special thanks to the many fellow Mixel fans who supported me and my silly creations. Rock on and happy mixing!


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