Product Idea |

Minas Tirith


More details and new gate!

This set needed some fine tuning. I added new deatils on all levels. Some of the towers are redone. I also redesigned the gate that now resembles the actual gate of Minas Tirith. Let me know what you think and do not forget to support and share this idea.


Faramir & siege tower

Many of you requested that I would add Faramir as a minifig to this set. I agree with you that his minifig would be a great addition to the set, and therefore I added him. Furthermore, I designed an orc siege tower, which I consider another fine addition to this set. Pictures of the new elements should appear soon!



The second wall has a trebuchet design, which is now functional as well! As soon as the cooldown is over, I will add a picture of its new design to the page. Also, I noticed that the main picture does not outline that well with the preview of this project in the list of projects. I will try to make the main picture more compatible with that format. 


More Pics and Figs

I decided to add Denethor as a minifigure character. Furthermore, I have rendered a few new pictures to give you guys a better impression of the building. As soons as the edit cooldown is over, I will add them to the main page. 

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