Product Idea |

Robin and Poison Ivy Botanic Blowout


Poison Ivy has stolen prized possessions and is keeping a civilian hostile. It's time for robin to be the hero. He zooms in his tank cycle fast to ivy's botanical hideout and she's prepared. Help the new hero save and bring justice. 

The set will include three figures: poison ivy, robin, and civilian woman. The set you build will be ivy's secret hideout, includes chains to keep someone hostage, a revolver machine gun, and many flowers. Also includes the hero robins, tank cycle equipped with three front wheels and one back, and boosters to get places faster. All in all 4 flick fire missiles. And a roomy cockpit. 

Who doesn't love batman and robin. Or in general, DC comics. I built this set so robin can get his spotlight for a change, and who else to do it with than one of his main enemy's poison ivy.  

I hope you'll do the right thing and stop being he bad guys and bring justice! 

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