Product Idea |

Red Fish Restaurant


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This MOC has 3 minifigs : a cook and two waiters.

They are ready to welcome your minifig customers.

History of this MOC :

My son had challenged me to make a construction by integrating a "marine" theme with animals from his collection (fish, crab, turtle) and his 2 red boats, the whole not having to be a seaside, nor a seabed.

I came up with this idea for a restaurant. My son validated my success in this challenge he had given me. I hope you too and enjoy this MOC.

It is a small modular moc (2 plates 16x16) offering a large interior space. In this moc, I wanted to integrate transparency with a partially glazed and easily removable roof as well as a large interior volume accessible without having to dismantle floors.

On the roof there are also 2 operable windows. I diverted the use of boat hulls to transform them into decorative elements for the facade. Marine animals have found their place in the heart of a large central aquarium in the heart of the restaurant.

The predominant colors are different: red on the facade, blue for the interior space.

Hope you like this moc, thank you for your support.

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