Product Idea |

Koenigsegg CCX


inside look and night shots

On this update, I focus on the hidden details of this car. The actual quantity is still unknown as of this moment, but I think you can estimate by looking on the details hehehe. 


The intricacy of the engine is quite a headache, I tried to squeeze in the NOS tank, that's the yellow tank over there. The air intake on the sides is directly connected to the main engine, the exhaust is also connected together with the fuel tank. I added a few more details especially under the chassis, where you can see some of the hose. 


Rear and Front wheel:

This include the axle going to the differential gear and engine. It also include the red shock absorbers. I forgot to include the disk brake on the rear wheel, so I make it up with the front wheel instead. The front wheel can actually steer, although not really connected to the 'steering wheel'. 

And the rest:

The interior is a two-tone tan and dark tan combination, with some dark brown and pearl gold for highlites. The front trunk still have the tool box, although it's not actually a box :) 

I also included some rear shot based from some comments. 


Night modes

Just to spice it it up a bit, that's all. 

 I hope you like the update! 

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