Product Idea |

Exo-Force Duo - Human/Robot Teamwork


Hope has been lost

Well...the end is in sight. With only three supporters to boost it to 0.66% of the goal, I have gotten all the end results.

kingexcellentnoodle, if you happen to be reading this, then I ran all the tests and I can safely say...You Lied!

Originality - twice I tried to make something original from things that existed, and twice they have failed! (alpha agents and This idea)

Complexity - both Galaxy unity and the spider queen had builds that consisted of piece counts around the hundreds, and both had around 0.45%

Image Quality - I have tried many times to render some of these ideas after Super Hexa Mecha Force got 1%, and it didn't help a single time! The only reason why That idea is still alive was because it was low on time when I switched to rendered images, making the first switch to rendering all a complete coincidence!

So yeah, the people don't seem to care about how cool an idea looks, how complex it is, or even if it's original in the first place! that's just not what the people want anymore.

Now, I'm stuck with a license for the next three ideas... See them soon... 


Only five days remain!

Three supporters have managed to pledge their assistance, boosting this to a 0.63%. we only got five days left on the clock before we face expiration, and we can't give up now!


Ten days to go!

Another pair of supporters helped join the cause, boosting this to a 0.6%. we only have ten days to gather 40 more, don't give up on this now!


Hope's Final chance!

That's the third dry streak in a row! how is this even possible? we're at the final quarter here and 42 supporters away from the first milestone, we can't give up now!


Final Third of time

what luck for two people to break the second dry streak and show their support. they managed to boost this up to 0.58%. only 42 more to go for the first milestone!


Returning trouble

Not again, We've hit another dry streak! This is really hurting the final test here and I don't like it one bit. 


Half a Shot Left!

we've gotten one more on the support count, breaking the dry streak with a 0.56%. however, we only have half of the time left. I guess I'll try to give the rendering a chance, even if it didn't help much.

let's not waste too much time here, as it's the only chance of originality left.


Trouble is brewing

Well this doesn't look good. Our dry streak has gotten worse as we havent't gotten any spport in ten days! What do I have to do? recreate some of this in a high quality render?


One third down.

Oh dear, we've hit a dry streak. We can't give up when we're halfway through the first milestone!


One Quarter down, Three to go.

within the first quarter of our time, we've reached 0.55% by getting ONE more supporter. We were doing so well here. we only need 45 more until the first milestone, don't let your only chance at originality go to waste!

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