Product Idea |

Science Center

Hello LEGO fans,

I’m happy to show you my Science Center project.
I made it because I think that science centers are places that can help people understand how our world works. You can learn many things during making some experiments on your own. That’s why I made it. To show that learning can also be fun, it is not just your duty.

About project:
The science center has two floors and an observatory on its roof. On the first floor, there is a cash, where people buy tickets, but firstly, they meet a disco-bot that plays music to make tourists feel happier. In the middle, there are levitating shelves with some scientific objects. There is also a wall, that becomes colorful when UV light is replicated on it. There is also an arm-bot that can make interactions with tourists. On the second floor, there is a big hologram of a future city. There is also a robot café where food comes out of pipes. We also can't forget about an observatory on the roof.

I think that this project would look amazing on every shelf. It can accompany every LEGO City, next to modular or itself. Beautiful from every side.

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