Product Idea |

Relief Map of the World


You know what this room needs? That's right, a LEGO map of the world, of course! I always loved the idea of the old LEGO mosaic pictures, and on a bigger scale, I think they can look amazing! I also think that maps are great home decoration, so why not combine the two! I'm using too many exclamations!

I've seen other mosaic maps, but my goal with this one was to make it in a scale that could feasibly be made into a LEGO set. The foundation is made of six 32x32 blue baseplates, making it about 20 inches by 30 inches (or about 51 x 77 cm). I unfortunately don't have an exact piece count, because I just built it out mostly in 1x1 and 1x2 plates as I was going, and I haven't wanted to disassemble it enough to try to count it out. I estimate somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 parts, but I think that LEGO could make it much more efficiently.

I think the pictures hopefully speak for themselves otherwise, so if you like this, please support, and maybe we'll all be able to decorate our homes in LEGO!

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