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Project Elements: Chapter 2 The Strange of Eleton: 05 Carinae Express


Next project I am going to submit

My summer quarter course just ends (business class is awesome) , and my first Lego Ideas project is about to expire... 5 days left.

I am not worry because the game rule allow people to submit it again and again, but I am not that kind of people.  It was done by last year and it doesn't fit in my current standard of building, so I will not re-submit it.  Rest in peace.


That is not the point.  In these days, I was working on scorpions.  Lots of scorpions!  The reason I tries so hard is...  the real head of scorpion doesn't look good.  Go to looking for something about scorpion, this is a bad idea.  However, it made me to memorize that Bionicle did get a really big one in 2009.  What?  Sorry, that is not the scorpion we're looking for.  Actually, I found 4774 Scorpion Orb Launcher7327 Scorpion Pyramid, and 70132 Scorm's Scorpion Stinger.  Those are not good examples (for me), so I was thinking... Lego makes good seafood [1]  [2]  [3].  To be honest, I think the second "seafood" is a very cool set and I believe it is based an ancient creature called: Eurypterid.


Let's just cut into the point.

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This is a prototype.  I made more than six of them and placed them in my LDD storage...

To other Lego Builders, never throw away your own ideas.  Keep them some where else.

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By the way, that is the prototype of Carinae Express...

It is using the helicopter's wind shield, but that piece is over-population in many sets and doesn't look great on Carinae Express.

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This is the comparison to other ideas.  Oh~ I am so excited!


Cemodin, August 14, 2016



Not 01-The-Core-of-Geia anymore

The Core of Geia

Pieces: 146

As you see, it looks weird when you stare at it for awhile.  This was 01 The Core of Geia.  I rendered the image that means yes, I was going to submit it, but I didn't.  It is small and it is not attractive. It would be a starter set which has great minifigures with horrible side-build.  No!  I don't wike it.  (Watch the video down below)  I may use the idea in the future or just abandon it or keep it in a different form...






And then, I am introducing my home!?  

Just kidding.  Right now I am building a modular and stuck on a problem - How do I build walls?  You may say "Cemodin, you just made one there."  Yeah, but I want to put more stuff on the wall and use other software to add something... Building a modular that satisfies my own standard is hard.................................


Cemodin, August 5 2016

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