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Next project I am going to submit
My summer quarter course just ends (business class is awesome) , and my first Lego Ideas project is about to expire... 5 days left.
I am not worry because the game rule allow people to submit it again and again, but I am not that kind of people. It was done by last year and it doesn't fit in my current standard of building, so I will not re-submit it. Rest in peace.
That is not the point. In these days, I was working on scorpions. Lots of scorpions! The reason I tries so hard is... the real head of scorpion doesn't look good. Go to looking for something about scorpion, this is a bad idea. However, it made me to memorize that Bionicle did get a really big one in 2009. What? Sorry, that is not the scorpion we're looking for. Actually, I found 4774 Scorpion Orb Launcher, 7327 Scorpion Pyramid, and 70132 Scorm's Scorpion Stinger. Those are not good examples (for me), so I was thinking... Lego makes good seafood [1] [2] [3]. To be honest, I think the second "seafood" is a very cool set and I believe it is based an ancient creature called: Eurypterid.
Let's just cut into the point.
This is a prototype. I made more than six of them and placed them in my LDD storage...
To other Lego Builders, never throw away your own ideas. Keep them some where else.
By the way, that is the prototype of Carinae Express...
It is using the helicopter's wind shield, but that piece is over-population in many sets and doesn't look great on Carinae Express.
This is the comparison to other ideas. Oh~ I am so excited!
Cemodin, August 14, 2016
Not 01-The-Core-of-Geia anymore
The Core of Geia
Pieces: 146
As you see, it looks weird when you stare at it for awhile. This was 01 The Core of Geia. I rendered the image that means yes, I was going to submit it, but I didn't. It is small and it is not attractive. It would be a starter set which has great minifigures with horrible side-build. No! I don't wike it. (Watch the video down below) I may use the idea in the future or just abandon it or keep it in a different form...
And then, I am introducing my home!?
Just kidding. Right now I am building a modular and stuck on a problem - How do I build walls? You may say "Cemodin, you just made one there." Yeah, but I want to put more stuff on the wall and use other software to add something... Building a modular that satisfies my own standard is hard.................................
Cemodin, August 5 2016