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Product Idea |

The Dark Knight Trilogy Tumbler




"It's a black tank"

This project started when my son got the Batcave set a few years ago. He needed a Batmobile to go with it and for me, there was only one I had to attempt to build, The Tumbler.

I started with 2 objectives;

  1. It had to hold a minifigure;
  2. It had to fit through the Batcave doors.

I've consistently looked to improve the design, the pictured is currently mark 5, and I'm finally happy enough to submit it. 

Throughout my process I've tried to stay close to the design of the movies as much as possible, it had to be strong, tank like, like it was described in the first film but also roll smoothly. I concentrated pretty much on the look of the outside, and not the cockpit, I only ever intended it to fit a minifigure, it was built to be played with.

Without sounding biased if this was a set for sale I would buy it, it's probably my favourite vehicle from a movie, hence why I've worked so hard to build it. And in its completion I not only achieved my goal of a set that my son could have played with, though no longer allowed, but I'm more than happy with how it looks as a small display piece. It's sits well with my UCS Tumbler.

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