Product Idea |

The Riverboat


See it at the LEGO House

Our steamboat is officially exhibited at the LEGO House Museum! Hope you guys can take a visit to see it for real.


1000 Supporters!!

We have officially made it 1/10 of the way there!! Thank you guys so much for supporting this project! If you would like to help out more, please share this around social media platforms to get the word out. Thanks!!


500 Supporters!

Woohoo! 500 supporters! We are officially 1/20 of the way to 10K! Thank you guys so much for the support!! It means a lot!

Let's keep this going, shall we? Please, if you haven't, go share this on any social media platforms you might have. It would be beyond helpful, and I would be so grateful if you did. Thanks! :)


Thanks for 250 Supporters! + Our first steamboat

Thank you guys so much for supporting this project! We are currently 1/40 away from 10K!

This steamboat model is actually the original one my brother and I built, which eventually turned into the product idea/contest entry above.


100 supporters!

We hit 100 supporters within the first two days! That is a pretty good sign of success!

Please, if you haven't, go share this on any social media you might have. That is vital for a product idea's survival. Thanks!

Thank you, @RobMobster, for sharing this on the LEGO subreddit!

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