Product Idea |

Mayan House

Based on the world of my previous set, The Legend of Quetzalcoatl, I now bring you The Mayan House. 

True facts
Mayan houses were not built on platforms like the city temples and palaces but on ground level. They were built in an oval shape, from wooden poles with clay and mud. They had a thatched roof, or plants, to keep the rain out.
Outside they had a small garden and a corral with chickens or turkeys.
Mayan people used to sleep in a bed made of canvas or rope mesh and suspended by cords at the ends called hammocks.
The kitchen had only a circular plain piece of steel called Comal, where they did tortillas.
They were very simple homes but I tried to put as much detail as possible.

The fantasy
When Quetzalcoatl arrived in Yucatan and was apprehended by the Mayan soldiers, he was taken to Chichén Itzá, which he had heard about but he didn´t know a tiny secret that was being kept for generations. The entire city was floating, that is right, it was flying about a meter or two above the ground.
Of course, he was shocked, and even more so when they arrived at the main pyramid, it was a massive construction floating like a cloud, it didn't seem right, how was this possible? 

They arrived at the foot of the pyramid where they were received by the Halach Uinic named Upakal. Very quickly Quetzalcoatl started to explain who he was, and where he came from, but the entire time he was anxious to ask, how it was possible that everything was flying and everyone was acting as if it was normal. 

Upakal seemed partially convinced by Quetzalcoatl´s story and decided to let him stay for the time being. Noticing how Quetzalcoatl was still astonished, he explained everything to him.  

"Forever the Mayan culture has worshiped the Cenotes as magical places where they communicate and make offerings to the gods of the underworld, but it was in this place that true magic was discovered, they realized that this Cenote was a representation of the earth and the sky. The turquoise water glowed as if the sun was touching it, and the roof of the cave had millions of light reflections that resembled the stars, and within all this wonder, the cave had a gravitational force of its own, which was less than the one outside, creating a flying effect. 

Being experts in mathematics and astronomy, they started to study this anomaly, and discovered that was happening was that the cave generated a centrifuge force against gravity, changing its magnitude. 
Not getting too technical about it, the Mayan scientists discovered how to imitate this phenomenon and apply it to physical things, like pyramids, houses, and even transportation. It was now possible to decide how high or low things could fly above the ground. 

With this new technology everything changed, and the Mayan cities became the first floating cities of the world. They could move around as they wanted. In case an enemy approached, the city was elevated up to 500 meters high making it impossible to be attacked. And in the transportation department, all boats now could fly and move a lot faster. The next big thing was to fly above the sky, into the universe."

Upakal could see that this was too much to take in, so he told Quetzalcoatl that it was time to rest and digest all that he had said. 

It was then that his guards walked Quetzalcoatl to a typical Mayan house where he could stay while Upakal decided what to do with him. 

This story ends here. For now.

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