325 Supporters!
We've made it to 325 supporters, which is great! Let's get to 350 and beyond! :)
307 Supporters!
We passed 307 a while ago, but only have 207 days left! :)
New Project Coming Soon!
Be sure to check out our newest project coming out next week! It's a surprise, but I'll say it has something to do with a ghost! And maybe a love story. And danger! Stay tuned! :)
4061 Total Votes!
I'm proud to say that between all 9 projects on Ideas, we have reached 4,061 Votes! Now, if only that was for one of those projects in particular lol! Don't forget to support that Orient Express Thriller! I'd be ever so grateful! :) Thank you!
A Year Left!
Exactly 365 Days left to get to the next date extension! We can do this everybody, full steam ahead! :)
375 Days!
375 days left! Please continue to lend your support, it is much appreciated! :)
Profile Change!
New Profile Picture Uploaded! :)
150 Supporters!
Great! 150 supporters and counting! Thank you so much to everyone, keep hitting that support button! :)
Scale Picture
Here's a render of how large the Glacier Express is compared to our newest construction, the Gare de Lyon Headquarters! (Coming soon)
100 Supporters!
Wow! 100 supporters in 5 days! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this project so far, let's move on up! :)