Product Idea |

Steam Engine Train



Engine and tender with red undercarriage in real



So far only the virtual engine and tender had red undercarriage, the ones out of LEGO bricks were black. Now there is a LEGO engine and tender with red undercarriage. This looks much better than the black one.

Kind Regards



Freight car modified, other example for target price

The sliding door of the freight car could be opened barely 3 studs wide which makes loading and unloading of boxes sized 3x4 studs impossible. So I redesigned the area around the door and now the sliding door can be opened wide enough.

I compared my train to the Horizon Express and the Emerald Night but this might be misleading regarding the target price. Neither Horizon Express nor Emerald Night have Power Function included, but my train has.

So I compare it to freight train 60052, as this has Power Functions too. This set consists of 888 parts. My project consists of about 940 parts. If LEGO creates a new part "slope brick curved 3x4" for replacing 4 "slope brick 3x1", the number of parts would be reduced to 860, so my set would cost round about as much as set 60052.


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