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The Valkyrie space shuttle is a transatmospheric vehicle used to transport a lot of stuff like personnel, AMP suits, and refined unobtanium between the ISV
Venture Star and the HQ on Pandora. Valkyries have an operational range of 2000
kilometers in the Pandoran atmosphere.
Like my first project, I think that this license is underestimated. So for
this creation, I decided to create this famous ship from this movie. This MOC was
very difficult to build because of the choice of scale. Indeed, I started
to size the cockpit to be my reference the entire shuttle scale. The most difficult on this project is if the cockpit is too big the shuttle
will be far more longer than a little one, so it took me a very long time to
choose the good size for this creation. Of course the space shuttle have some
functionalities to be more realistic and look very close to the original. For
example the secondary reactors can rotate for maneuverability and landing,
the cargo hold can be opened to embark or disembark people and stuff.
Now you can support me and my other creations to recreate this fantastic
world !!
I hope that you like it.