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Spacetron 005 Hoover Searcher

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Hi. This is my take on space ships build with lego. I had very good time playing with lego sets in 80`s and 90`. This is my attempt to bring back that feeling of space ships that are great to play with, explore children imagination. Discover unique worlds and just have fun in space travel.

This ship consists of main body with Hoover engines that can be rotated by 90 degre to hoover over the planets surface. It has 4 movable radar dishes to search for minerals. Also has movable laser guns on front front of the ship. The second part can be detach from ship as a small base.It has long range radio antenas. It is docking place for aerial drone and a robot. The back dish radar and computer can be detach and attached to main ship in needed.

It consists of 205 parts.

All ships form my Spacetron series are designed to be interconnected with other ships to double the fun for children. I hope that This kind of ship can bring back the joy of building spaceships to everyone.
It is quite easy build - great for beginners.

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