The seagulls fly screechy on the bright blue sky as an old trawler casts its fishing nets in the same traditional way it happens since centuries. The foam foams on the woody bow and the waves splash on the hull.
Hello everybody or should I better say "Ahoy Sailors!".
Let us try it again! Maybe we could do it this time! The story of how I became a real trawler builder: I got the idea for this project, when I spent my holidays in Denmark, in Jutland. There I spotted at the beach those wonderful traditional trawlers. I came to the idea, that I want to build a similar one. The boat has a black-white hull with a decorative red stripe. It has two masts and a little crane for loading and unloading of the ware, a cabin for the captain and at the back. In remembering of the original idea - a Denmark flag.
Inside the cabin is a control panel for moving the trawler and a small cupboard for the captain's own stuff, furthermore there hangs a saving ring for the emergency outside.
The boat is a full length of 24 cm, 12 studs wide and has a height of 22.5 cm because of the masts. I think my project would be a great LEGO set, because it would look nice as a display set in your shelf.
Maybe this fishing trawler could become a real LEGO set, if you support it!
Please give me feedback in the comments!