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Vintage Shop
After a nice stroll in the historic Lego village, what better to have a nice meal at the Parisian Restaurant and shop for some vintage and cool items at the Vintage Shop, just right around the corner!
One side of the store has the Old World/Western Frontier feel. The other has a Nautical accent, with vintage bottles and an old oar. A display case showcase vintage items. The centerpiece is an original Medieval armor. Further. We have a vintage globe. Of course we need a security system to protect all the valuables, so we have a nice touch screen on the wall and touch screen register.
Nice crown molding and wood floors complement the Vintage Shop.
Notes: This project was originally created for the Modular Building Anniversary Contest and it represents an addition or room to the Parisian Restaurant, specifically in the back of the building. However I think it can be a stand-alone set with the addition of a roof. Let me know your thoughts!