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Product Idea |

Bluey Brickheadz




The Magic Xylophone

Why the update?

After looking at the model for a while I realised that there was something missing.  Bluey on her own, although cute seemed a bit plain, like there was no story.  After watching the Magic Xylophone epsiode with the kids today, it was clear what needed to be added.

What's in the update?

This update does not change the core Bluey model in any way, nor does it add very much (6 extra pieces).  It does however add a Magic Xylophone and mallet as featured in the Bluey episode Magic Xylophone.  For a synopsis of this hilarious episode checkout the Bluey website here.

As I could not find a xylophone print brick I did use PartDesigner to develop a printed/decal 2x4 tile with a xylophone matching the arrangement and colour scheme of the xylophone featured in the show.

Lastly, this update includes two extra angles showing Bluey and her Magic Xylophone from all directions.

More To Do


Build for International Women’s Day


Build Your Brick Story

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