Product Idea |

The Kit-Cat Clock


Almost 9000 ! Do you believe that ?!

Meoooow to all the clock and cats lovers !

I don't think i'm wrong saying that the next month is gonna be the best month ! It's written on the clock !

Time and bricks are on our side ! Now we are heading right away to the 9000th supporters level ! It's absolutely amazing, incredible, in fact...There is no words, this community is just the best ever !

Does the Kit-Cat Clock gonna reach the 10k ? I'm pretty confident with it, and I would like to thank absolutely everyone who supported this project, which is, it's certain, the most ambitious and challenging I ever made !

So let's do it, we're on the home stretch and maybe wer're gonna have a functionnal Kit-Cat Clock as the next Ideas set ! Paws crossed !

Best wishes, take care and.. Brick on !


5000 !

Half the way everyone !

Thank you so much for your support everyday, in 2022 the Kit-Cat Clock will celebrate it's 90th birthday so let's go for 10k this year !

Meeeeeow !


2000 !

Meow to all dear Kit-Cat Clock supporters!

I am absolutely delighted to report that we are now well beyond the 2000 vote stage! It's absolutely awesome and thank you very much for all of your posts and support!

However, there is still a long way to go before the 10K and we still have a little less than 8000 votes!

So don't hesitate to share this project with all your friends! This is absolutely essential so that this one may one day become a LEGO set!

In the meantime, here is a little video made to show you in more detail the complex interior of this extraordinary clock which will celebrate its 90th anniversary in 2022!

Thanks again and take care!


1200 !

Ok I know, for a clock, we are very late !

Still, the Kit-Cat Clock is quite an original clock, right ? So let's keep it weird and let's celebrate the 1200! All this, of course, is thanks to you, wonderful LEGO Ideas community, which never ceases to amaze me!

So where do we go now? At 2000 of course and, maybe, even further! How far can this cat tail clock go? Only the future, which she knows well, will tell!

Take care everyone, today are hard times, we need to support each other !

Brick on !

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