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Simple Brick Kitties


Please Share This Project With Others

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that I strongly advise you all to help support this project by not only clicking the blue support button but also to share the kitties with many others. 

Thanks a lot for your support.



City Kitty Photography

I am attempting to finish up the photography for some of the kitties today.

In the meantime, here are some photo-taking tips.

My tips for Lego Ideas worthy images:

My backdrop is simple: Four pieces of normal white paper taped together and hung from the top of a desktop lamp.

I switch on the lamp and my Nikon camera.

Arrange the models in a way so that they fit completely on the backdrop without the camera catching any other part of the desk or the house.

That is how you take amazing pictures at a low price. This is Redapple8787, signing out. 


City Kitties Are Done

I have finished working on the City Kitties and look forward to posting them on Lego Ideas very soon. We just need some more photos and you will have them before the end of October.


Holiday Kitties

The assumed-to-be highly anticipated holiday kitty versions are almost done and ready to be posted on Lego Ideas. Stay tuned!


Teaser Image 1

It's been a while, so here is your first teaser image!

Chase McCain: What did you do to the criminal?

Police Kitty: Meow!


Weekly Digest

Guess what! I saw the Simple Brick Kitties in the Weekly Digest twice! Tell me if you saw them too!


P.S. The next teaser image is coming soon! :D


More Upcoming Kitties

I am planning on adding more kitties in the near future. Stay tuned for teaser images!

Don't forget, please support this project!



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