Product Idea |

Portal Test Chamber


2000 Supporters!

Thank you all for 2000+ supporting votes! To celebrate this occasion here is a new pic of GLaDOS.

Enjoy the next test. I'm going to go to the surface. It's a beautiful day out. Yesterday I saw a deer. If you solve this next test, maybe I'll let you ride an elevator all the way up to the break room, and I'll tell you about the time I saw a deer again.


It's Bendy!

Bendy makes his appearance!

He's the silent guy, the 2D black stick figure of the Perpetual Testing Initiative. While fulfilling his role as trusty test subject, he often stands on the verge of a gaping abyss. Sometimes he's one step further....

This could be a nice addition to a LEGO Portal set. Thanks to VAkkron for that idea! You can also build your own right now. It's not exactly 2D but on the other hand it will keep standing upright much easier that way.

Keep waving, little guy.


Movable Portals!

What would be nicer than a LEGO Portal set? A LEGO Portal set with movable portals!

It could be easier than I thought when I first designed this model. One or more walls could just be big grids with empty spaces for panel parts.

For now I designed 4 different panels: A blank wall, a thermal discouragement beam emitter and of course the blue and orange portals!

Do you have ideas for additional panels? Share them!

And this is how it looks like with the panels in place. There are 6 slots in this design to arrange the panels (blank wall panel is used three times): 

Thanks to anthonynelson639 for triggering this idea!


Portal Puzzle Solution

The wolves got it right! Woolfie99 and MachineWolf7 found the correct solution: You can build the Aperture logo when you put the 9 piece built from the last update together 4 times.

Aperture Science, former producer of shower curtains, was later known mainly for artificial intelligences, quantum tunnel portals and the Heimlich Counter-Maneuver. Very dangerous things, all of them.


Portal Puzzle!

Today's update is a small LEGO Portal riddle.

What is this?

Hint: You've got to build it four times to get the complete thing.

You know what it is? Tell me. And stay tuned for the solution picture! :-)


GLaDOS is alive!

The queen is in the house! GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) makes her appearance in the Portal test chamber. As wicked as witty, GLaDOS turns out to be one of the most unique and memorable computer villains. Nobody who has played the Portal games will forget her anytime soon. 

So she would also be a great addition to the Portal set. Right? Have I lied to you? ... I mean, in this room?

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