This submission isn't from the past or the future. This is a modern office building.
Starting at the first floor, there are double doors. Four windows line the walls. At the back of the room, there's a check-in desk. A plant sits next to it and a painting sits on the wall. Right inside the door, there's a light green chair. You know, for people who are waiting. A wood plank floor compliments the room nicely.
The second floor has the office. One wall is almost all glass. A couple, red chairs sit in front of a wooden desk. On the desk, there's a little lamp and a silver computer. A chair sits behind the desk. One shelving unit sits against the light gray wall.
Above the first and second floor, there's an Employee's Lounge. Two couches sit facing each other with small tables. Some little lamps sit on the tables. Three windows have been set into the walls. A planter sits in the corner for "a pop of color". A wooden floor covers this floor, too.
In the fourth photo, you can see how all three floors fit together. As you can see, three minifigures come with this set. One goes in each floor. I hope you like my MOC. Please support and share!