Product Idea |

Miniature Airport


Alternate Design

Using the same pieces I have created a different airport.

The vehicles and runway are the same, but the terminal is different, along with the height of the tower and the arrangement of many modular pieces.

This is without the vehicles for a better look at the design.

This is a view from behind to show how it is generally built.


Images of Modules

All Modules

Communications Modules

Fuel Modules

Other Modules


Modular Building

I have built the airport in lots of smaller sections that can be changed around.

Parts that can be changed around for different airports:

  • Fuel Storage Orbs
  • Fuel Tap
  • Runway Lights
  • Base for Control Tower
  • Black Fence
  • Radio Tower
  • Two Radio Dishes

These sections can all be moved around on a base plate to make lots of different airports.

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