Product Idea |

Beatles Yellow Submarine



We're Halfway to 10K Supporters!

We reached 5000 supporters with a little help from our friends! I'm sincerely grateful to everyone who has supported, commented, featured, liked, shared, tweeted and retweeted this creation in various forums. We have another 5K to go! I can't do it without your help =)  


Half Way to 5K!

Project reached 2.5K in a little less than 3 months! I'm eternally grateful =) Thank you for all the support, and please continue to share this creation!


Improvement to Minifigs!

Using LDD Extended (just discovered, but was under my nose all this time!) I was able to update the minifigs in the following aspects: 

  • replaced the yellow skin tone with a more natural skin tone
  • updated Paul's shirt, tie, and pants colour scheme
  • updated John's pants colour scheme 

Hope you like the improvement. Please keep on supporting! Thanks!


Sub in Miniature Pays Visit to Octopus's Garden

As a side mini project, I decided to make the Yellow Submarine in miniature (37 pieces). Here I've showcased it visiting a quick rendition of Octopus's Garden. If I have time, I'll probably to flush out this idea and submit it as a separate project. For now, please enjoy =)


My first 1K project! Thanks everyone!

Just a quick thank you to everyone who has helped this project reach 1000! Still a long way to go, so please keep on sharing =)


Additional View of Cockpit

A very sincere **THANK YOU** to everyone who has supported this project thus far!

I've added a view of the cockpit without the minifigs. I definitely used a little bit of "creative license" to make the inside of the submarine colourful and vibrant, so as to reflect the source material.

Again, please **SHARE** this model on social media to help sustain the momentum. I cannot reach 10,000 without your help! Every little bit is much appreciated! Thank you everyone =)  

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