Product Idea |

Auto Repair Shop


Time Almost Out.....

Everyone, plz share and save my idea because we only have one more day and have over 50 supporters! Can we make it to 100 supporters?? Plz support and share it to ur friends and family! Also thxs for all the supporters who are suppoting my idea!! Plz support and sahre! Thank you!!!


Halfway There!!!

We are halfway to reach the first milestone!!! Plz tell others about this and save and share this plz! Also thank you to the people who have already supported this project!! Thanks for the support!!



New Idea.....

hey guys! Thank you guys for all the support on my project! A new moc of mine is going to come out in about a month! it is called Lego International Airport. So look out for when it comes out and please support it! Thanks for all the support!

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