This is a two masted Lego boat that is inspired by the galeas.
A galeas is a type of freight ship used in the Baltic sea in the 1800 and early 1900 and to further clear up anything it is not a Galleon that is a completely different kind of ship.
This Lego galeas is inspired by the galeas called Albanus that is from the Aland Island located in Finland Albanus was a galeas that carried wood built in 1904, a replica of the Albanus was built in 1988 and still sails to this day but will soon be replaced.
(Albanus 2023 my own picture)
I believe that this would be a good model for Lego Ideas because there isn't really a good sized sail ship in Lego and i believe that people would be happy to add a sailship to their collection, and i believe that this would bring new people to the Lego brand.
And lastly why i built it: I like boats. I live on the Aland Islands and i have sailed on the Albanus and I like it, it is a beautiful ship.
And again it is not a Galleon it is a Galeas and it has nothing to do with pirates.